Home Loan Offset Accounts can save you money on a home loan, but only in the right circumstances. It is very common for people to have heard from friends or parents that an ‘offset account’ is the go these days as it helps you save on interest repayments. But is an...
You will pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance if you don’t have a 20% deposit saved when applying for a home loan. Here I explain what it is and how avoid it. As a Mortgage Broker, I help my clients reduce or avoid the amount of Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) they pay....
Seven options to help manage your mortgage repayments (and budget) through COVID-19, including the mortgage freeze. If you have a mortgage (or two) right now, you may be feeling concerned about how long you are able to continue making loan repayments for and how to...
To successfully buy a home in the wild 2021 property market, you may just need a Fully Assessed Home Loan Pre Apprroval. Back before time (before Covid) most of the people I helped to get a home loan approved did not need a Fully Assessed Home Loan Pre Approval. How...